Saturday 5 March 2016

Golden Thread Tapestry

As Weavers of the Golden Thread

As the medicine gathers, stirs and evolves within the soul of the alchemist, he dreams of the great tapestry, that whose vision will heal this world.

And he heard the tale of the Golden Thread Turtle, whose journey was that of miraculous syncronicity and alignment.

The gold is now coursing through the veins of Gaia, calling the next process in this magical journey.

And amongst the encyclopaedia of symbology are aspects and elements from which the alchemist draws inspiration and reference.


The Caduceus - Magical Staff of Hermes 

Gifted to Hermes, by Apollo, the God of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing and art, in exchange for a magical flute. 

Hermes, the messenger, carried his Caduceus, and if applied to the dying, their death will be gentle.

A peaceful death: The gift of releasing the mind/soul from the physical, to loosen and free the knots around the heart chakra, and to know freedom at the time of death.

And, thus, through the arousal of Kundalini, ascending through the 7 chakras, following the serpentine journeys of Ida and Pingala, to facilitate opening of the crown chakra.

Higher rebirth, gifted opportunities and continuation of the Path to Enlightenment - the meaning of this lifetime's work.

And you! Yes you - who sees and feels the star burst within your soul, mirrored in the eyes of those with wisdom, this prize is yours, and your wings shall open, and freedom's final flight shall awaken upon the dawning bliss of the Clear Light.

And suffering shall cease.

And thus he picked up his thread, and started to weave...

The Golden Thread Turtle

From the depths of the great deep blue ocean of being, the blind turtle rises to the surface, once every 100 years, to breathe in the clean air.

And as the sun's light reflects upon her distinctive shell, awareness is signalled to your open heart.

For you know your destiny, as you glimpse your close potential with eyes opening wide - the final perfection of your soul.

You breathe.. A long slow inhale.

Old patterns - spiralling from the depths of your mind, to be cleansed away as the sunshine of your love greets the lost memories and bids them a final farewell.

Forgiveness, and the purification of release, mirrored in the evolution of planetary consciousness, and our shared responsibility and gifts.

We leave no-one behind, and forever trail the golden thread, weaving our endless patterns of pure light.

The time to weave is now.

It is only, ever, now.

Slow Exhale... and awaken to the gifted opportunities of this precious life we all share...

And those greatest mysteries of the ancient world, perhaps they are solved by the intonation of the great syllable - OM

Raising the Pyramid

From the primordial OM, the Sri Yantra is born, and reveals the raising of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Why might this not be the truth? A little impossible perhaps, but tell me - what is not a little impossible?

Crystal Clear

The Truth is Crystal Clear

There is a moment, when the light passes through the crystal lattice, and the rainbow light appears.

The stability of the pyramid form, recognised throughout time, is the primary structure of the 3 dimensional world we inhabit, the geometric basis upon which all exists, functions and manifests.

This mandala represents my intention to capture the instant of Solstice, as the sun passed through the high kiss of it's annual curve.

One single glimpse of the perfected magic of imagination is a seed of the future, for it has occurred, in our shared dream, and thus will ripen and bear fruit in time...

And in this way, the seeded potential for all beings to attain the Rainbow Body shall manifest.

A bold call, I know - but in this imaginal world we inhabit, the interplay of light and geometry forms the very basis of our visual experience.

And in this way we began to play with the universal play of alignments, to stimulate and activate the gathering medicine energies for the year's great work.


At the mid-point, between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, we have Imbolc, the first of the cross quarter festivals, and here at Sweet Spot, by the Meadow, we aligned our jewelled night sky mandalas with the rising energies of the coming spring.

We are measuring time, an age old practice of the alchemists.


The great stone markers of the Western World, an inspiration for for those who wish to work with longevity and sincerity - place your stones carefully and precisely.

And so we played, with our imaginations and magical toys.

Stone Dragon's Egg

The great serpentine egg caught the last light and shadow in the laboratory, late one night, as we measured time, as music of the soul.

Time is Running, Fast

Time: Ever Present

Transfixed, and held for an eternal moment, the golden grains of time may tell their great story.

And they listen well, they hear you well, as you too are of this great story.

You - Seeker of balanced perfection, holder of the destiny of futures; Speak with time, share your light, and in this way time shall be your friend.

And in this way, we work with a growing intensity and sensitivity, awaiting the later gifts of Summer.

In the Balance

Your Centre of Balance

Find weightlessness within your heart chakra, and expand within the structure of limitations, to breathe apart the walls of confinement.

Freedom awaits within, suspended in anticipation, to hear your soul's call. For within the symmetry of inner peace resides the union of bliss and emptiness, the gifts of Enlightenment, to those who seek peace within.

Fly upon your balanced wings dear one, to the Celestial Palace of creation's dream, where perfection awaits your arrival, as your burdens are released.

Breathe the sound of inner peace.

For all apothecarists work with careful measure.

Affectionate Love

The key and the lock, two elements that must come together in order for the door to open.

In a sacred dance, each gentle touch of the healer's fingertips spiral towards the heart of love.

And as the adept might listen to the tumbling combinations within the deep locked vault, those who seek to share affection must listen, carefully, with tender empathy.

For the accomplishment is communication, freed and surrendered, released from the structure of withdrawal.

Acceptance too, of the abandonment of the gender roles, those dictated by the past, as the journey to union, the final cessation of the prison of duality dawns upon the rising understanding of those souls who yearn for peace within.

And this dance is that of the Tantra.

By these magical rules, the medicine will manifest, predicated upon intention - A Medicine for the World.

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