Saturday 27 February 2016

Gold Inclusions

Gold Inclusions

The magic of gold, that most fascinating of metals, has been noted and valued for its mysterious of healing qualities.

We have worn gold close to our bodies for millennia, as a display of power and wealth, and also for symbolic and ritualistic purposes, and also, perhaps, as the subtle interface between pure gold and our skins imparts an empowering and healing quality to our lives.

Ritual Bathing

Spiritual Bathing

Twin souls participate in a global process of healing and activation.

Whereupon countless golden drops take the journey of eternal depth, carrying the intention of responsibility.

Borne upon pearlescent waters, the daily ritual of cleansing and purification is theirs, released in fulfilment, and completed upon understanding the gifts of love.

To see reborn, the Great Spiral Galaxy.

Fountain of Light

Reflections upon a Fountain

Falling droplets capture the sunlight, raining fertility upon her imagination.

From the invisible depths of source, release emotional refractions and reflections, as you re-circulate and renew your exuberance and expression.

Drink the immediacy of clarity, be refreshed, by the Fountain of Inner Reflections.

Oil & Mandala

We met, drank orange blossom tea, and talked at the house of the tea-maker, 

The pure 24ct Gold Oil sat upon the gifted mandala, sitting perfectly in the centre circle, choreographed by syncronicity.

And we wove plans of apothecaries and magical workings.

Gold  & Water Alchemy

And see, Charlotte energising and activating her medicine, upon the full moon, from the throat chakra source of London's pure waters.

And unknown to many, the key activation, purification and distribution of the Medicine has begun, carried upon the blessings of intention, and amplified through the power of water's hidden networks of communication.


Alchemilla - Lady's Mantle

From the garden in the forest I gaze into the pool of perfect dew that sits upon her morning smile.

And as dawn arises, the alchemist collects bejewelled, sacred drops of purity from this, most magical of plants, in preparation for the Great Work.

And too, for those who seek eternal beauty, and the allure of Elfin radiance, know this plant as your friend, known in the Arabic traditions as -'Little Magical One'.

Gaze into the pool, and dive deep into the spiralling wonderment of dreams, to arise with shimmering tingles upon your skin.

Nu Magic.

Living Spring

We are crossing the threshold into Spring's verdant energy, and she will carry the flowering passion of the world's healers into the coming light.

And the distillation, refinement and formulae shall manifest.

The Twelfth Moon

Extending into the journey of the Lunar, we entered moon cycle twelve, overlaid with Madeira Citrine and Emerald, reflecting in the early spring sunshine.

Gold, water, light and intention in alignment.

For the process of alchemy and magic is one of great mystery, one that reveals her face, in gentle surrender to the calling of time, and we the healers adjust our work in response to the emergence of reality.

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