Friday 18 March 2016

Fractal Cartography

Fractal Cartography

The Alchemist visions a fractal cartography of the invisible landscape. A series of intersecting lines and incidents formulated through triangulation.

The map-maker is humbled by the presence of Gaia, as he is asked to be her assistant... He listens.

He is but a child however, and thus shall be encouraged, as a gentle mother would empower her son. 

Let us play in this playground, boy.

Creating medicines need not be a serious matter.

The Myth of Solidity

The illusionist juggles his imagination, knowing the nature of matter.

Ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of all that is is empty space.

Our 5 senses convince us otherwise in subtle yet profound deception, and supported by the stories of our science and fables of all histories, we are further entrenched and reinforced into our acceptance of reality, these too being validated only by the language of matter.

The truth is in emptiness.

So we, creators of the mystic, can map a universe of limitless perfection, in the manner of our dreams, where quantum expressions multiply exponentially.... to manifest sequentially.

Each thought is a building block, and your imagination is your vision board.

We are children of the universe, with a fine box of toys.

The Ark of Geometry

The temple of expanding wisdom will open through your crown, through the 13 esoteric chakras in alignment with the 13 moon yogas, constructing the ribs and support of your light body.

Opening upon every breath, expanding into magnificent potential, as you burst with brilliance.

Simple beauty, in the harmony that is geometry.

Feather Tail Mushroom

And see, the spring time brings her energy to the woodland crucible called 'Sweet Spot by the Meadow' - for here the Alchemist lives with his Consort, she who is called The Feathered One - Beacon of Light in the Forest. For here we find the strange exotic primitive life, so overlooked by those who pass life in a hurry.

We capture her moon drops, in preparation for the 13 Moon Yogas.

Menstruum Sanguinem

Released from the womb of the mother of origin, upon the cycles of moon and journey of sun.

She releases divine wisdom, creating a reflection of herself, and thus she is self-knowing - whereupon the indoctrination of guilt within the myth of apple and serpent are washed away from her sacred garden.

Her period of moon night insights births inspiration, as she awaken to re-discover the healing powers of her menses.

Witness this woman, as she rises.

Mossy Geometries

Gathering as she walks the forest paths, selecting both fine and rare, with an eye that values the overlooked.

She renders the invisible, visible - with her keen eyes.

And so to work.

An Imaginal Laboratory

If it can be imagined, it can manifest.

The architect/designer conceives his project, in imagination, and renders it upon paper, and thus thought gains life in 2 dimensions - it now exists outside of the mind.

Upon the Alchemilla's roots.

Gathering the subtle energies from various medicines, she builds the model, the structure is actualised in 3 dimensions, but wait - there is more.

She called the bird to her palm, as the forest had heard her song.

He is the map-maker, she is the captain.