Saturday 2 April 2016

In the Beginning

In the Beginning

In the Beginning - Perhaps the most powerful 3 words of the Western World, for contained therein is the absolute implied authority of the story of creation.

In order to create a medicine for the world I have dreamed of a time before creation, in a place of nowhere, and a space uninhabited by time. A place of silent potential, where the smallest adjustment will extrapolate exponentially into the new world.

A story that each can write.

The Flowers of the Night Sky

For what we have is that of a dream, where we are holders of the entire history of the birth and death of the universe, gathered within as lessons taught and ideas collected. 

All that is and shall ever be is held within Lorig, Lamrim, Lojong and Mahamudra.


From the point of eternal origin, of all places, creation had a dream of herself - she watched the forms of matter dancing out of the light.

Her silent whisper begat the spectrum, birthed through the primary colours of this world, as she breathed her sigh of release. 

Each new born child smiled with pure innocence, reflected in the hearts of all men, who put down their weapons, and ceased to harm.

Thus the Mother of Creation could rest awhile.

In this Beginning.

The Archer of the Milky Way

Extending from the heart of the central sun, and reaching deep into the infinite, the lady of the forest pauses the breath of the cosmos - To birth the constellation of the Feathered One.

For woven within her golden hair are the dreams and hopes of the healers of this world - You, who feel the world's suffering.

And upon seeing her confident gaze, and assured alignment, the radiant stars breathe, whilst the silver moons smile, to witness the holy gifts she offers.

She holds a delicate balance of sacred union, of both elements and magic, to the seed the perfect medicine, of Gaia's soul release.

The dark, deep strength of the yew is known to her, as she tastes the honey nectar of our ancient wisdoms.

So! Release thy arrow, straight and pure, and deliver thy spell deep into the ocean of awakening consciousness.

And we shall know the alchemical power of the cleansing fire of absolution of ego.

Purified, to be released from the bonds of attachment.

Thus her heart sighs, and peace is seeded, as the constellation of the Feathered One awaits your smiling glimpse into the night skies.

Constellation of the Feathered One

Organic life is born from the elemental light, as the star child remembers her name, breathed through magical release, from the womb of the Goddess.

The night sky holds the peacock star cluster, whilst those born of turquoise eyes witness the celestial joy of the divine song.

Whose golden filaments of evolving beauty, breathe sweet sensuous lines of flowing energy, that enrapture with their radiant glow of being.

And births the constellation called The Feathered One - her of the pure indigo night of remembered names.

Her vision is eternal, birthed of our imaginations, and the honey-sweet gifts of bliss.

Spring to Life

These tiny shoots reach towards the early spring light, eager to reach the skies above, and gain empowerment. And we, as dwellers amongst the trees, skies and light reach too, into the morning light, as we seek to make or medicinal essences.

11 Moon Yogas

Working though the journey of the 13 Moon Yogas, we reached this, with rock crystals and Herkimer diamond gathering the energy of the 11th Mandala, reflecting potentials of magnificence, in preparation of distillation into one.

Out of the Blue

For all the expectations we hold for the future, awaits the unforeseen aspect, the vital sparks of activation and co-creation.

For in amongst the quantum fields of cross pollination reside the hidden potentials - that which is blown by the profound winds of karma.

Thence the unexpected manifests in our seemingly clockwork universe, as the dawn greets the story of today.

Today, which we have planned and sketched out in our imaginations, remains unwritten, awaiting our conversation with creation, in the immediate and momentary dialogue of experience.

Unaware of the subtleties that will be be revealed, these unobserved miracles of Gaia nurtures each potential of her longevity, in the slow journey to completion.

Though mysterious to those of limited horizon, each is a witness to the profundity of our relationship to the Great Mother, she who nurtures in her skilful way.

Know this - her great soul will support those of pure heart, and open the portal to dreams, where the Perfection of Wisdom is sung by all.

The Timeless Beauty of Wisdom

Queen Nefertiti, creator Goddess of Aegyptian Mythologies, made offerings to Aten, the Sun Disc.

She wrested power from the the cult of the priesthood, gathered esoteric wisdom, and in her vision of the third eye, manifested her dream of the Enlightened Soul - She, who legend teaches, secured the fabled Emerald Tablets of Thoth in preparation for the New Aeon.

This most mysterious and powerful woman on Ancient Aegypt, considered to be the guardian of Tutankhamen's Pyramid, is captured in a sculpture of geometric perfection, communicating harmony, beauty and clarity.

Her name, Nefertiti, means 'The beautiful one has come', and expresses the timeless beauty of wisdom, insight and perfection - and upon the coming Golden Dawn, the mystery of her tomb may be illuminated, ushering forth a new era of understanding.

The past hold keys for the future, and insights into mystery will reveal the Path of Inner Light.

Fibonacci's Spiral Dance

Geometric Patterns within the Digital Roots of the Fibonacci Sequence - Working with Nature and Mathematics.

In mathematics, the Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence - 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144... 

Another attribute of the Fibonacci Sequence is the repeating pattern sequence of 24 numbers of the digital roots of the sequence. 

Numeric reduction (digital root) is a technique used in analysis of numbers in which all the digits of a number are added together until only one digit remains. As an example, the numeric reduction of 256 is 4 because 2+5+6=13 and 1+3=4.

Applying numeric reduction to the Fibonacci series produces an infinite series of 24 repeating digits:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9

Ad Infinitum

A Gentle Moon

And now, we begin to gather our simple complex organic and inorganic compounds, to commence the processes of medicine making... 

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