Saturday 30 January 2016

Transition - Tipping Point

Transition - Tipping Point

The longest, darkest night of the year came, and went. And during that night, ancient magic and ritual play happens, as the spirit seed of the coming year was planted.

Solstice Alchemy

Alchemy: The transmutation of a dull leaden mind into a Golden Consciousness.

As the Sun/Son rises after the long dark night of the soul, golden drops of medicine nectar descend through your crown chakra, to combine within the golden vessel of your heart chakra.

Now you are the alchemist, whose love is the medicine for this world, and your long journey is witnessed and celebrated by the soul of Gaia.

May the purity of compassion flow within your veins, and your every breath be that of ease and acceptance.

We are one - as warriors of wisdom, bearers of the light, and as gifted listeners.

May we, the healers, be prepared for this coming time of service, as I am another of you.

In Lak'ech

Axis Mundi

And held, in place, by heaven's wish, is the Pole Star, the stillpoint in the Northern night sky.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

And to beckon that stillpoint, by creating a jewelled map, was an act of service to the initiation of the Medicine's Seed. 

The Solstice Moment

"To see the world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower - hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour" William Blake

There is a single moment, when the year turns, and the year glass is turned, upon the passing of the single last grain of time, and this is the time for magical alignment - intention with both inner and outer topography.


Finding the Pole Star, through the directions of The Plough, enables the essence of interconnectivity in the imagination of the healer.

As Above - So Below

Inner Balance

Holding a cut quartz crystal, anointed with Spikenard, in accordance with the wise woman's advice, we paused during the Vajrayogini Puja, at the line 'He came to rest in the forest hut beyond words, thoughts and expressions'


And a script appeared upon the face of the crystal, described as 'Dakini Script' - that bore a message, an incantation of encouragement and stimulation.

Geometric Light

The Rainbow Light captured the expression of impermanence and emptiness, the formlessness of the Truth Body, and blessed the seed, now held in Gaia's graceful heart.

Stillness - Inner Peace

For within the forest, the stillness is shared, and renewal begins as the journey of the year begins, and the Medicine Project begins.

The Aquarian Vessel

A falling star, balanced upon infinity's call, awaits an angel's tears.

Falling indigo tears of an infinite age, entwined within a golden gossamer.

Tears knowing the futility of war, and the pain of those at war within themselves.

May they know peace.

May they be released from fear.

May the water be forever pure.

Release the star, as would an angel.


And the year's work begins. 

The alchemy, the apothecary, the weaving, the dreaming...
The Union.

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