Saturday 9 January 2016

Early Preparation

A Medicine for the World

Imagine a medicine, a medicine for the world.

An art ritual that will play for a year, from 22nd December 2015 to 21st December 2016. 

There is no formula, it is a freeform experiment in magic, creativity, healing and alchemy.

I do not know what to expect, as I will be guided by circumstance, and destiny will provide the attractor.

Early Preparation

In a previous art ritual, that took place over 5 years, an elixir was born.

An elixir born from the pure spring water of St Helen's Spring.

Enhanced through the power of an Earth Mandala

Blended in a crystal chalice

Formulated and mapped in magical process


Realised and completed.

This coming art ritual will need extraordinary assistance. 

The Healer's Basket

Listen to a spoken invocation, to accompany the Healer's Basket  - *here*

Woven of 1000 stars, with emerald threads and sapphire knots, and held within your gentle hands, is the precious healer's basket.
She holds your gatherings of healing herbs, high magic and pure imagination, as you prepare a medicine for this world.
And as you, the healer, face your awareness to your task, each sun turns inward to create a stellar crucible, to birth a pure drop of life star essence.
Eternity pauses, and breathes, as the rainbow variant medicine of healing dreams is distilled through the eternal silver wheels of bliss to initiate the ruby drop of the Goddess, held in grace.
For to contemplate the healer's basket, with your soft gaze, is to know your destiny.
To work wisely with your gifts and intuition, and the treasures within your soul, and thus create your healing magic.
Perfected, upon a moment, as you birth the seeds of the new perfection, of a world healed and renewed, as the dreams of countless souls are fulfilled, and we weep to release the world's pain.
You are the Priestess, you are the Priest: Chosen and known by the Holy Ones, since before your birth, and know your empowerment now, as you hold the precious healer's basket, deep within your heart.
You are the Alchemist - As your mind becomes the Golden Consciousness, and you heal this world.
Look nowhere else. You are gifted with this precious task.