Friday 14 February 2020

Completion & Delivery

Completion & Delivery

Being the closure of the Art Ritual of
A Medicine for the World

Golden Dawn

To capture the majesty of the pure inner light, the journey of the long dark night gifted the moment of hope.

The Lost Pyramids of Sussex

Twice we had thought we had found the Lost Pyramids of Sussex, even excavating the ancient stream beds, though today we captured our dream.

Scaling the Heights

From the jaws of the Great Stone Dragon, whose slumbering soul awaits Albion's Saviour, we heard the whispered truths of Merrie Avalon.

The Last Second

The time has not passed, as we cling to the source, afraid of separation, though the winds of change shall hold us upon the mantle of destiny.

Looping into the Infinite Light

For Yin awaits the final closure, of 21st December 2016, where light and dark become the one of rebirth.

Phive Rainbows

At the stroke of fortune, the 13 Moon Yogas captured the beauty of transition, within the Heart of Five.

Golden Thread Turtle

This is the opportunity, the next might never arise.

Medicine Makers - Act Now.

Suspended Animation

Inhale, and hold for 1, 2 and 3... then slowly exhale, releasing all fears, all anxieties and all tensions.


Inhale and breathe alive again, refreshed with the clarity of inner freedom.

Re-animate - with your imaginary medicine.

Private Path

The rules of engagement have ceased.

Chaos draws ever closer and deeper, as the bifurcations reverse inwards, calling the path to the healer, in exponential cries.

Fruiting Bodies

For what we see is only the tip of the iceberg.

The mycellium extends far deeper and far more extensively than the cursory glimpse permits.

All is connected, at levels and communications, soft, quiet and profound.

Four Square

The 13 Moon Yogas of the Feathered One has been the metronome for the cycle, her 13 Moon Cycle measuring.

We count 4, with citrine and amethyst, circling amongst the cubes

Loud Underfoot

We walk barefoot in the forest, each day, and the pain can be sharp and bright.

Take notice.

Soft Carpet

After the pain recedes, does pleasure return underfoot?

This is changing suffering. 


The Art and Science of Concentration

The 3 alchemists sat around the central cube, their concentration focused upon the mystery - the mystery of the pure unspoken language, the forgotten song of perfection.

A yearning for those ancient springs. the rising blue/green waters that nourish Eden's garden arose within their souls, and imagined a perfect world, again.

Oh, soft soul - be free.

Hand Tool

The tools of a time traveller, that have found their way into my hands.

Out of Africa.

Cubica Graphica

Pure white space retains the prepared potential.

For freedom of imagination comprises the impossible dream, whose destiny is to manifest.


Lava Flow

The scale of vectors is the infinite fractal of the Olde Ways.

As above, so below.

A Twist of Fate

The wind upon which the unexpected arrives.

For if it was known, it could not arise.

Violet Flame

The triad of the 13 Moon Yogas.

As she ignited the Violet Flames, upon prismatic balance.

Outside the Circle, Within

Modern medical technology describes the 3D QSAR (quantitative structure activity relationship) that is used in computational drug discovery and design. The instructions are to place the pharmacophore into the lattice of grid points. In this way medicines are born from scientific imagination.

Alternative medical technology describes the alchemist, who can levitate the icosahedron into the QSAR, facilitating the medicine born from magical imagination.

Reality exists in the Middle Way.

Beware of Illusion

Appearance are deceptive, and our own opinions are unreliable.

7 Cubed - Full Moon Magic

Count seven days, each as a single breath - the illusion of time has sweet flexibility, unknown to those of fixed views.

Squaring the circle, cubing the sphere, all mere games of the mind, enabling the re- shaping of reality.

For in the chaos of the world today, the imperative is for those who dream beyond the unimaginable to sow the seeds of the perfected future.

We now have a level playing field, understanding that no-one can fully comprehend these new dynamics, and this is the blessing for those of a loving and pure nature – this is the dawn of a new equality.

The entire game has changed, and the new instruction manual is being written, now, by you and I.

Seven days of creation. We are not alone. The Divine is awaiting your call.

The Rose of Compassion

In our Garden of Forgiveness, we have planted the sweet Rose of Compassion.

As we sow, so shall we reap.

You too.

Late Fecundity

The Autumn's light holds the promise of transient wealth.

Store it up, for sure, but remember where you keep the key.

The Structure of the Illusion is Emptiness

Practice the yoga of inner space - feel the space within all, and between all – grasping is pain.

Don't be afraid of letting go.

Self-Reflected Medicine

In the holographic model, I am both the illness and the medicine. I contribute to both.

I absorb the pain and suffering, to reflect my own inadequacies, using a mirror of wisdom.

This is a transmutation method of karma's recognition, a purification practice of awareness and acceptance.

The medicine for the world tastes bitter, though sweetness will arise.

Practising what I Preach

Self-Reflecting Medicine.

From within the laboratory of dreams, Sweet Spot, by the Meadow.

Ultra Violet Medicine

The higher frequencies of the spectrum call into our shared nights.

Mystery and chaos abound in the turmoil and tumult, and to catch the falling star, whilst blindfold is the challenge of the Medicine Maker.

Chess - I Ching - 64

Why 64?

I am answering the riddle.

Soft Frozen Alchemy

The expansion was held without fracture, in the triple headed gallipot.

Allow your medicine to expand and breathe...

Bearing Gifts

Harvesting with my eyes.

And thus a smile.

Descending into Art

On closer examination, the revelation of the future shows her face.

Partially obscured, though growing in magnification.


Collating the potentials, as a feast.

Light, geometry, water and magic.

Cuckoo Spit

Each bubble is/was a sphere.

They form as a hexagon when adjacent to one another.

Maximising space.


The latent pressure of water's solid state has the power to raise a mountain, or crack open a dream.

Ancient Springs

Saint Helen is close.

Aqua Vitae - Water is Life

Do not overlook me, nor forget me, for I am that which provides life.

For my fondness for you is that I seek not your understanding, nor your forgiveness.

My song is that of presence, in the rapture of existence. I sing to your soul, in labyrinthine simplicity, curating the elixir vitalae.

I am water.

Distant Views

Rarefied through scale, the tundra is of the minutiae.

Look closer within Medicine Maker, you are closer than you realise. 

Mushroom Rays

The light will shine through.

Each gill holds tension and strength, though fragile alone.

Collectively the structure can hold perpetual space.

Herb Lore and Magic

Gifts from nature.


Catalyst - an accelerant of advancement creating catalysis.

In most cases, reactions occur faster with a catalyst because they require less activation energy.

Furthermore since they are not consumed in the catalyzed reaction, catalysts can continue to act repeatedly. Often only tiny amounts are required in principle.

This medicine maker is feeling a sense of quiet urgency...

The catalyst is wisdom.


For soon we shall take our work into the Southern Sun.

We have work to do, as yet unknown, for we move to Santillan in the Spring.

Blue Shadows

The soft sweet spirals of 2

13 Moon Yogas reaches the Yin Yang crescent.

The Pure Light of Santillan

Power tools.

Magnified and amplified, lensed through the eyes of capture.

Looping into the Infinite Shadow

There will be darkness.

Though the light of our hearts will never be dimmed.

Holding the Spotlight

Fierce we must be.

Primal it shall be.

Alone for a while.

The Rainbow Egg

Until the moment of realisation, when the rainbow children arise.

This I know, as I have met these children, and known them since birth.

You have too.


Cut with laser precision.

Placed upon the window of 42 Alchemy for the duration of Yule.

Driving the engine of the miracle.

Delivery System

The Medicine for the World is completed.

It shall sit in silence, as we countdown to necessity.

Gaia knows perfect timing, and has our patience.