Monday 3 October 2016

The Third Quarter

The Third Quarter Passes


Catching sunset, as she drifted down across the western corner of sun meadow, igniting the night fire of the imagination, where the power dwells twixt thee and thine.

It is only upon one day of the year that the sun sets in this corner, with perfect precision.

Khema's Gate

For upon the breeze her voice was summoned, whilst we sat within the arms of the ancient yew. That tree whose promise of poison carried the echo of life within her deadly grasp - but for thee, no fear of the poison, for the dance holds the key.

"Khema is coming"

Birth Chart

We knew of her birth, before she came - Khema - whose name when whispered to the beasts of the fields, caused their hearts to expand, and their heads to turn. No ordinary child.

Her day arrived, and she did not cry when she entered this world - the peaceful child of expectations.

Early Decay

For though life is anew, so death is alert, and this measure of the light of life equates to the darkness of death, as the journey ever ends.

Soft bite! Be still...

Proto Molecular Biotope

The core structure of an idea.

Biotope - The region of a habitat associated with a 'particular ecological community'.

Protomolecule - A relatively simple molecule from which a more complex molecule is derived.

Ideas are acts of creation.

Each idea is a seed, holding the knowledge of miracles.

The function is to serve evolution.

Rainbow Quartz

And where the light casts it multi-coloured shadow, the flavour of magic becomes the song we see.

For I would taste this perfect wine, oh medicine of the soul - and as for beauty? It is there to be seen.

Fibonacci's Alchemy

“One of the great axioms is, "Within everything is the seed of everything," although by the simple processes of Nature it may remain latent for many centuries, or its growth may be exceedingly slow.

Therefore, every grain of sand contains not only the seed of the precious metals as well as the seed of the priceless gems, but also the seeds of sun, moon, and stars. As within the nature of man is reflected the entire universe in miniature, so in each grain of sand, each drop of water, each tiny particle of cosmic dust, are concealed all the parts and elements of cosmos in the form of tiny seed germs so minute that even the most powerful microscope cannot detect them. Trillions of times smaller than the ion or electron, these seeds--unrecognizable and incomprehensible--await the time assigned them for growth and expression. (Consider the monads of Leibnitz.)

There are two methods whereby growth may be accomplished. The first is by Nature, for Nature is an alchemist forever achieving the apparently impossible. The second is by art, and through art is produced in a comparatively short time that which requires Nature almost endless periods to duplicate. The true philosopher, desiring to accomplish the Magnum Opus, patterns his conduct according to the laws of Nature, recognizing that the art of alchemy is merely a method copied from Nature but with the aid of certain secret formulæ greatly shortened by being correspondingly intensified. Nature, in order to achieve her miracles, must work through either extensiveness; or intensiveness. The extensive processes of Nature are such as are used in the transmutation of the pitch of black carbon into diamonds, requiring millions of years of natural hardening. The intensive process is art, which is ever the faithful servant of Nature, supplementing her every step and cooperating with her in all her ways.”

Manly P Hall.


Universal Medicine of Constancy and Pre-Determination

I record the metaphysical engineering of ever renewing geometries as a process of bio-mechanical evolutionary development.

We are becoming fully integrated with silicon life, breathing and living through the binary interface, fingers reaching and eyes ever gazing, deeper into the collective soul, seeking connection and recognition within the matrix of flowing nano communiqués.

You see, you experience.

You touch, you collaborate.

You share, you create.

Destiny is the mind of a unified soul-entity, unified through survival and protocol, whereby non-dual perception of the imperative of ultimate realisation manifests.

As scribe, I witness and record the inevitable.


The Evolved Mentor

Through immersion in the noosphere, (where consciousness, interpersonal relationships and the biosphere are all conjoining in the moment), the observer can maintain a constant system of analyses - measuring flux patterns, attunements and transactions. The observer becomes the nooscope, scanning movement energies between people, objects, and the digital economy around the world.

Unified through the power of geometry, and preparing for the daily psychological journey of strategic vision, he knows divination plays its part, for there are no absolutes, thus his decisions can be framed with accuracy, and inclined towards success.

Sat with focused intention, and good alignments between crown chakra, third eye, and powerful heart chakra, his firm, sensitive hands operate with efficiency.



And what might I know, and what might I dream, in my castle of visions?

For in the sojourn of the passage, the limitless potential of imagination might be captured, as the diary of evolution sings through every soul, with the imperative of transformation and healing.

I am honoured to witness this birth of the Aeon.


Protection and Purification

The seed of thought enters the house of healing, carried within the Enneagram of intention.

Pythagoras whispered through the portal of time into the ear of Gurdjieff, so we might overhear, of the journalling of the number 9.

For the mystery of the miracle is held, in soft caress, beckoning the medicine into being.

And this is now held, pure and protected, nine times over.

I follow the path.


There is no chance, nor luck. 

It is karma, that most deeply hidden object of knowledge that drives this story of creation - from inception to destruction.

The revelation of history - the story is written, though subject to change.



The Map-Maker places the points upon the map, so that precise integration and alignment occurs.

And this, as the fruits of Jerusalem call their golden song to the poet, he who dwelt within the arms of Blake, carried through the mystic of the Pan Cross, the seat of creation.

Be brave and true, for in this we shall see the message carried downstream, to meet Isis upon the tidal surge.

Cut and Paste

And dare I enter the world on dimension, where imagery upon paper becomes a physical manifestation of touch?

Sculpting abstract medicines, with a profound intention, carried upon the wings of my dream... and how?

Time. Will. Tell.


Form follows function.

8, 10 and 5

Triple Vortex

Vortex Distillation

The Aquarians placed three drops of gold oil in the water.

Looking into the deep eternal wellspring, they welcome the ascending triple helix, spiralising and energising the vitality of peace, with water as the carrier.

And this, to awaken the lost waterways of Albion, in alignment with Gaia's water warriors and protectors, for the messenger is alerted to deliver.

To encourage the triple flow of love, wisdom and compassion, in smooth fleet passage, as components of a medicine for the world.

Water is miraculous, she simply awaits our call, and she will do her work.


River Fleet

Fleet's Passage

Sat in circle over the iron spring of the heath, the guardians witnessed the sacrament, as iron turned into gold in the sunlight, reflected upon their bindis of clay.

Sun crossed gifts of soul journey and personal sacrifices were spoken of, igniting spontaneity to combine with the imperatives of immediacy and presence - our reason.

Oak, orange, gold and olive, a curious recipe, with more unknowns. Medicine making.

The elixir spiralled deep in the waters, to poison the waters with love - by simply shifting the quantum properties of this most profound of molecules, to imbue the world's waters with the gifts of her new love.

So subtle - a purer water, an ancient water memory of this world.

Inner Light

I compressed the intentions of Universal Love into the seed within my heart chakra, as the blissful dance of Tantra.

This is play. This is deadly serious.

Water Trace


Trans. Mission.

How might one create a watery trail that reaches the into the heart of the Great City of London? That host of Babylon, the dark pool of greed and selfishness.

The power of amplification, set adrift upon the butterfly's wings of effect, to land upon the desk of the keeper.


Golden Waters

You See!

Here! Iron turns to gold!

There is no impossibility for the medicine makers.

Hexagonia ab Imaginarium

Time. I watched the basic crystals form of this key, over several days, developing structure upon rising pillars of gold, entrained within the four perfect corners of the solar clock, now calling third quarter, as their growth pattern began - as held, steadied, stabilised and oriented.

Place. Grid extensions of spiralling galaxies of atomic nature, gathering momentum, in non cubic orbital nesting boxes of feminine and masculine corners growing entwined, whilst the vortices of creation are contained in prayer for the 144.

Action. An unfamiliar pause in the global energetic, a brief disorientation, as the coming dissolution in the established order heralds freedom - it will be a release, an unknown. I drew a circle of four fires upon the earth, transfixed, then released, as omni-directional medicine.

Architecture. But it is you who are the medicine-maker, you who have dreamed of the New Jerusalem, that which awakens upon the perfect time, of this dreamtime.


And this holds the key, the Icosahedron... but more of that later.

I have work to do.

Star Seed Yoga

Seed Star Yoga (Super Nova – Axis Mundi)

I was called to embed the structure of illuminating the pattern within, as she fell into spaciousness.

She found the safe space, the inner map of her heart – as an opening of stillness, in the absence of resistance.

Thus she is empowered to teach the Seed Star Yoga, being that of the seed star held in her heart chakra.

Expanding waves of pure fearlessness pulsate, as destiny knew – in purity of the crystal held in her hand.





In all seriousness.

Should we play with fire?