Sunday 17 July 2016

Riding the Summer's Crest

Riding the Summer's Crest

Seeds of the New World

Whereupon the presence of nature greets the hidden potentials, as slumber is shaken from the rising dawn.

Those dormant whispers of life, held upon the geometric trace of woven magic.

Sun Fire of the Blue Diamond

To capture that alchemy of immediacy, that which is seen in the soul's of Gaia's children.

Fear not the dark, be pleased by her presence.

Three Generations of Woman

For the lineage of the Great Mother holds the mast in bright awareness, to capture the breath of love, upon the pennant's glance.

As sweet softness is her messenger, carrying the seeds of forgiveness, for the New Garden.

Science is an Art

Know this Sacred Gods of Science, respect the Art of the Alchemist, for we precede you.

Dare I kiss the viper's fang, or herald loud the death of man?

I Think, Therefore I Can

Descartes, to thee I hold. In prescience of the Dawn of the New, that which shall witness the mind's freedoms.

As stood with an Angel as a constructor of the past, where the barrow holds the lost ages of man.

Perfect Balance

For we met with the Master Homoeopath, who guided us with Amanita Rubescens and Buddleia, interwoven with the golden ticket, whose mystery held the path of the ancient yew, upon whose breath we heard the Sacred Name 'Khema'.

The tumbling shores of perfection spoke her magic name to the flowers of the meadows, and to the beasts of the fields, and now call in blackbird's night song of her coming.

One Destination

As in the rainbow's 42 is held the dream of freedom's grace, so borne upon the pestle's beat, those tools of the medicine maker.

For should mere salt be the agent? Simplicity belies complication.
The union resides within the spectrum, that which arrives from source.

Gloria Viola

Whilst searching for the perfect 5th, the French Alchemista arrived to talk, of a silent book, the Mutus Liber.
And thus we heard the sound of the common voice, that so desired and awaiting.

The Elder's Map recorded the voyages of the starlight, as we gathered to talk.
We spoke of a time of courage, and the resolution to hold our nerve.

Born with a Destiny

Act. Now.
For who is as able as you?

With both ruby and pink sapphire, the 13 Moon Yoga sequence threads through the geometry of the Lunar Trace.
What might appear as play should please thee, for the mind of the pure shall result in manifestation.

High Vibrational Medicine

For today we listen with our eyes, and await the sound of those friends who will bring the chakras of overlay, into the harmonic elemental resonance.

Hold thy tongue no longer.
Free thy thoughts, and speak of magic and perfection, for Summer has gifted her mantle of charms.

Patience, I await.